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End-time deliverance ministry GO Becomes Jehovah’s Witness

End-time deliverance ministry GO Becomes Jehovah’s Witness 


The last face of the “Be Courageous” convention of Jehovah witnesses today was filled to capacity as delegate occupied the over 10,000 auditoriums located along idi-iroko road ota. Among many other thing delegates usually look forward to, at the day 2 of the convention is the water baptism.
55-year-old Udezie Josephine, a renounced founder of the End time deliverance Ministry churches was among those who symbolize her dedication to Jehovah through water baptism. Speaking with the media department after her baptism, she was so over joy for her freedom from false teaching.

Relating her past ordeal, she said, she has always loved God and the truth about him and that has been reason she move from one church to another…………before eventually form her own church……End time Deliverance Ministry church. The teaching of hell fire which is widely spread and deep in the churches out there, is one major false teaching witness thoroughly explained to me……………which I later realized was true, she said. These and many other truths I found in the bible are what made me to dedicate my life to God and get baptized.
Just like Josephine Udezie, 69 others too have embraced the truth and also symbolize their dedication through baptism today male and female, young and old.
The three-day programme consists of 54 presentations that include talks, audio dramas, interviews, and short videos. On Sunday there will be a Public Discourse with the theme, “The Resurrection Hope Imparts Courage —How?” Additionally, a feature film entitled The Story of Jonah—A Lesson in Courage and Mercy will be shown on the final day of the convention programme.
“The 2018 programme has always commences at 8:20 a.m. each day of the convention, closing at 3:50 p.m., except on Sunday, when it closes at 2:45 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend as everyone needs unfailing biblical advice on how to cope with mounting challenges with God-given courage. There is no admission fee and no collection will be taken,” a statement signed by Isaac Umunna, Media Coordinator for the 2018 Ota Convention Series, said.

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