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Gov. Seyi Makinde back to work after tested Negative

Gov. Seyi Makinde back to work after tested Negative 


Gov. Seyi Makinde of Oyo State very likely will be back to office today after been tested negative for the coronavirus in a second test and promised to resume work on Monday.

Makinde confirmed this on Sunday night through his twitter handle after he received the result of his second test.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the governor had on March 30 through his twitter handle confirmed that he tested positive for COVID-19.

The governor had since confirming he was positive for COVID-19 went into isolation after which his second test result on Sunday confirmed him negative for the virus.

Makinde in his tweet thanked the people of the state for their prayers during the period.

“I am deeply moved by your prayers and support throughout this period. I am so thankful.

” This evening, I received my second negative test result for COVID-19.

“I especially thank Prof. Temitope Alonge who acted in my stead as Head of the Oyo State COVID-19 Task Force,” he said in his tweet.(NAN)


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