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Atiku wins Buhari in Abuja Presidential Villa Units

Atiku wins Buhari in Abuja Presidential Villa Units 


Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) presidential candidate, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, Saturday defeated President Muhammadu Buhari in the overall Presidential Villa polling units’ presidential election results.

Atiku polled a total of 1,030 votes to defeat Buhari who scored a total of 1,013 votes with 13 votes difference.

In the same vein, the PDP defeated the APC in the overall senatorial election results with a total of 1,081 votes as against 1,008 scored by the APC in the two polling units.

The opposition PDP also defeated the APC in the House of Representatives’ election with 1,046 votes to APC’s 995 votes.

In the two polling units in the Presidential Villa, Atiku defeated Buhari in polling unit 022 with 525 votes to the president’s 465 while Buhari defeated him in polling unit 021 with 548 to 505 votes, thus bringing the total votes for Atiku to 1,030 while Buhari’s total votes stood at 1,013 with 17 votes difference.

On the other hand, the total votes scored by the PDP at the senatorial election in unit 021 is 535 as against APC’s 531 with only four votes difference while in polling unit 022, PDP scored 546 votes to defeat APC which scored 477 votes, thus bringing the total PDP senatorial votes to 1,081 as against APC’s 1008 with 73 votes difference.

At the House of Representatives’ election, whereas APC polled 531 votes as against PDP’s 525 in polling unit 021, the opposition party polled 521 votes to defeat APC with 466 votes in unit 022, thus bringing the total PDP votes in House of Representatives’ election to 1,046 as against APC’s 995 votes with 51 votes difference.

Below is the breakdown of the results of the presidential, senatorial and House of Representatives’ elections in each polling units.

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